Safeguarding Policy

NGN activities include establishing youth-led chapters to their local communities with what it means to be an active global citizen; championing global citizenship values; and building an international network of youth. In these activities NGN volunteers interact with the general public worldwide, which may involve interactions with children and adults. In fulfilling our aims and promoting intercultural dialogue and active global citizenship in
youth communities worldwide, we hold direct and indirect events for children and young adults.

This policy is therefore fundamental to our core cultural values and ensures we are compliant with our legal and regulatory responsibilities.

New Global Normal (NGN) abides by the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of its staff and volunteers and all children, young people, adults at risk and any other individuals who come into contact with the entity. NGN is committed to safeguarding practice that reflects statutory responsibilities, government and regulatory guidance and complies with best practice requirements.

The purpose of this policy is to provide directors, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding. It also outlines the actions that directors, staff and volunteers are required to take when dealing with safeguarding concerns.

Policy Statement
NGN commits to ensure that:

  • All staff, volunteers, children and young people and adults at risk regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse and have a right to be treated with respect and dignity in their interactions with NGN either through our education activities, attendance at events or through our communications.
  • We continually recognise the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people as well as adults at risk in all that we do.
  • All concerns or suspicions of a safeguarding nature arising in the course of the NGN’s work will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • Directors, staff and volunteers are clear about their safeguarding responsibilities and know how to respond to concerns appropriately.
  • Safe recruitment, selection and vetting for individuals working for NGN whether in a paid or voluntary capacity is undertaken for individuals regularly working with children and adults at risk.
  • Key partners with whom we work share our commitment to safeguarding and where appropriate have policies and procedures in place which reflect the level of risk of their work.
  • We have effective complaints measures in place. All complaints should be addressed to the NGN’s Chief Executive Gabby Green, or where this would give rise to a conflict of interest, to another director of NGN, by email to
  • We create and maintain an anti-bullying environment and ensure that any bullying that does arise is dealt with effectively.
  • All personal information is recorded and stored professionally and securely.

Safeguarding responsibilities
This policy applies to anyone working for or on behalf of NGN including the directors, all of NGN’s Chapters, Chapter Committees, paid staff, volunteers, sessional workers, agency staff and students. Failure to comply with the policy and related procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from working with NGN.

Ultimate responsibility for this policy lies with NGN’s directors. However, all directors, Chapter Committees, staff and volunteers have duties in relation to safeguarding and to know what action to take if an individual is at risk as a result of issues arising in the course of NGN’s work. Anyone working for or on behalf of NGN who have direct contact with minors (under 18’s) affiliated to
NGN’s Chapters need to demonstrate they have completed appropriate safeguarding training. It is essential that all directors, staff and volunteers:

Ultimate responsibility for this policy lies with NGN’s directors. However, all directors, Chapter Committees, staff and volunteers have duties in relation to safeguarding and to know what action to take if an individual is at risk as a result of issues arising in the course of NGN’s work. Anyone working for or on behalf of NGN who have direct contact with minors (under 18’s) affiliated to
NGN’s Chapters need to demonstrate they have completed appropriate safeguarding training. It is essential that all directors, staff and volunteers:

  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure that they do not have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults during the course of working for NGN;
  • Familiarise themselves with any safeguarding guidance, materials and/or training provided by NGN and where applicable, for international Chapters, local legislation must be followed with guidance from the local schools or universities NGN works with;
  • Consider any potential safeguarding issues when planning new activities and when assessing any new schools or universities NGN could work with; and
  • Report any safeguarding concerns promptly to NGN’S directors. NGN will ensure that appropriate procedures are in place for keeping records of any safeguarding concerns reported with due regard to confidentiality and for monitoring areas of activity in which safeguarding concerns have arisen. This policy will be kept up to date to reflect changes in legislation/best practice and will be reviewed annually by the Directors.

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England. A summary of the key legislation is available from

Where Chapters are set up outside of the UK, NGN should ensure that each country office has in place local procedures that are consistent with this policy. Local procedures should be developed with assistance of local advisers in accordance with the local law. Any deviation from this policy must have prior formal approval from the relevant director.

Where this policy conflicts with local legislation, local legislation must be followed with guidance from the schools or universities (where applicable) NGN works with.

NGN commits to following the safeguarding policies (where applicable) of the schools and universities where are Chapters are based, so long as they do not conflict with this policy.

Where schools or universities that NGN works with have their own Safeguarding Policy, this policy will take precedence, unless the schools or universities’ policy and procedure is equally or more robust.

NGN expects all employees, Chapter Committees, volunteers and directors to follow all its policies and to maintain confidentiality. Information will only be shared in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection.

Getting help or raising a concern
All staff, Chapter Committees and volunteers are asked to raise any concerns regarding safeguarding using any of the following routes:

  • Raising them with the person responsible for the activity.
  • Referring the issue to the Board of Directors.
  • If working with in a school or other organisation, by reporting the concern to their safeguarding lead officer as well as to NGN.
  • If the situation is urgent or immediately dangerous, contact the police on 999 or local police.

Working with other organisations
NGN may work with other organisations to deliver activities. As part of these activities NGN will agree which organisation will take lead safeguarding responsibility. When planning to work with an external organisation NGN representatives must ensure that as part of due diligence they:

  • Have the name and contact details of the other organisation’s safeguarding lead;
  • Agree the process for reporting safeguarding concerns;
  • Agree responsibility for any risk assessments to be carried out;
  • Agree the responsibility for gaining consent and other permissions relating to confidential data; and
  • Ensure that staff have the appropriate training, qualifications and country specific police checks to work with children or vulnerable adults.
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